Ricochet Today


You're not like me, but live and let live.

Richochet the day.

You don't like me, but you don't have to fight me.

Richochet the day.

I'm not like you, but that's cool.

Ricochet today.

I don't like you, but I don't want to knife you.

Live and let live, don't betray the day.

Live and let live is the phrase that pays.

Ricochet the hate.

Ricochet the day.

No matter what comes your way, live and let live,

Don't betray the day.

Sometimes blood has to spill, it's not the chosen way.

Tuff Guy

80 BPM

Lyrics by WaveWriterX and Ashley Tucker

Beats by Wyshmaster

Compilated by WaveWriterG6

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